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Parental Guide to Helping with Homework

Parental Guide to Helping with Homework

Homework is a fact of life for kids, but it’s often not something that parents are so familiar with.

As a result, many parents are unsure of how to help their kids with homework and what to expect from teachers.

Here are some tips on how you can help your child succeed at school:

Let Your Child Do the Work

As your child begins to work on their homework, you must let them do the work themselves.

It will teach them how to learn from their mistakes and help build confidence in their abilities as they tackle new challenges. However, you should still check over their work to make sure that they have completed all of the steps correctly and understand what they are doing.

If there are any problems or questions about what needs to be done next, help guide the process by asking questions about why certain steps were taken or how those decisions were made instead of simply doing the work for them (this can hinder learning).

If your child gets stuck on something while completing a project or assignment, try giving them some guidance as opposed to just telling them exactly what step-by-step instructions should be followed next, this will encourage critical thinking skills!

A good rule of thumb is if something doesn’t work out right away then don’t be afraid to ask someone else who has experience doing similar projects before trying again yourself, this could mean talking with another parent or teacher who may know more than either one of us alone does!

Give Praise and Rewards

Rewards can be given for any level of achievement, from a simple task completed to an outstanding performance.

The reward should be given immediately after the task is completed, and should not be tied to grades or other external factors. For example, if your child gets an A on their math test but doesn’t receive praise because he failed another subject in school, then praise him when he gets home instead.

You should also avoid giving rewards too often so they don’t lose their impact!

Stay involved without hovering

Ask questions to make sure your child understands the material and can answer your questions about it.

If you’re not comfortable asking the teacher for help, consider asking a tutor or another parent who has experience with the subject matter (and whom your child respects).

Don’t do their homework for them! The point is to teach them how to solve problems on their own so they are prepared when they go off into the world as adults who can pay bills and cook dinner without having their parents look over their shoulders every step of the way.

Get to know the teacher and other parents

If your child is struggling with homework, it can be helpful for you to know what kinds of assignments are being given out in class.

Not only will this give you an idea of what types of homework problems might appear on exams, but it also makes it easier for you to help your child if they come home with questions about particular assignments.

In addition, getting acquainted with other parents can provide opportunities for talking about how they’re helping their children with schoolwork or seeking advice on how best to approach certain topics at home.

Understand the basics of the subject yourself

Before you can help your child with homework, you must understand the basics of the subject yourself. You’ll be much better equipped to answer their questions and direct them to resources when necessary if you have a solid grasp of what they’re learning.

Teach your kids how to learn

There are many different methods for learning, some people prefer reading books or listening to lectures while others prefer hands-on activities like building models or playing video games, but regardless of which method works best for each student, all children should learn how to ask questions and find information to make sense of concepts at their own pace.

For more information on learning styles, check out our recent blog post.

Teach your kids how ask questions

Asking questions is an invaluable skill because well-informed students tend not only to do better on tests but also develop a deeper understanding of any given topic than those who don’t actively seek answers beyond what’s provided by teachers or textbooks (and sometimes even these sources aren’t enough).

Even if there isn’t an obvious answer available right away, or ever, it’s still worth asking why something happens rather than simply accepting whatever assumption has been passed down through generations without question.

There are a lot of ways parents can help their kids with homework

Helping your child with homework can be a challenge, but it’s also an important part of supporting their education and setting them up for success in the future.

By following these tips, you can make the process smoother and more effective for both you and your child. Remember to let your child do the work themselves, give praise and rewards for their achievements, stay involved without hovering, get to know the teacher and other parents, and understand the basics of the subject yourself.

By doing so, you’ll be giving your child the tools they need to succeed academically and in life.

Good luck!

Did you know that you can try booking a free tutoring lesson through our website? We offer one free session, per student, per subject! So why not make the most and try out where we can offer your child extra support?

If you have any questions regarding our services, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions or do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Talha Ghannam

Founding Partner

Founder: ClassTutor, a premium, affordable, online tuition platform.

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4 Tips To Cope With Exam Stress

4 Tips To Cope With Exam Stress

Exams can be a stressful time for anyone, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can overcome the pressure and excel in your studies.

In this post, we’ll share four tips for staying calm and focused during exam season.

1. Eat, sleep and exercise well

Taking care of your physical health is crucial during exam season. This means eating healthy and getting enough sleep, as well as doing some exercise every day.

If you’re stressed about exams, try exercising for at least 15 minutes each day. Even a short walk can help to clear your mind and reduce stress.

2. Set realistic goals

Setting goals can help to keep you motivated, but it’s important to set goals that are realistic and achievable. Don’t aim too high or too low, find a sweet spot that challenges you without overwhelming you.

  • Don’t set goals that are too high or too low: If you set a goal that is too difficult, this can lead to frustration and stress when things don’t go according to plan; on the other hand, if you set a goal that is too easy, then there won’t be any challenge for you and this may cause boredom.
  • Don’t set goals that are too far away: While it’s good to have long-term aspirations (like becoming an astronaut), these should not be included in short-term plans such as studying for exams! They will only serve as distractions from what needs doing now, which means less time spent studying effectively and more time worrying about whether or not those dreams will come true someday (or even worse – forgetting about them altogether).

3. If you feel like you are struggling, talk to someone you trust

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed by exam stress. If you’re struggling, talk to someone you trust. This could be a friend, family member, or even a professional at your school.

They can help you work through your feelings and come up with a plan for success.

4. Believe in yourself!

The most important thing you can do during exam season is to believe in yourself. You are capable of success, no matter what your grades may be.

Don’t compare yourself to others, focus on your own journey and how you can improve.

If anything happens during the course of your studies where someone else did better than you did on something like an assignment or test grade:

  1. Don’t panic
  2. Learn from the experience
  3. Move forward positively toward achieving success in the future endeavours.

Remember, exams are just one part of your academic journey. No matter what happens, you are more than your grades and you have the power to learn, grow, and succeed.

Believe in yourself and trust the process, and you will come out on top

We hope you feel more prepared to deal with exam stress and are ready to ace your exams!

Good luck!

Did you know that you can try booking a free tutoring lesson through our website? We offer one free session, per student, per subject! So why not make the most and try out where we can be offering your child extra support?

If you have any questions regarding our services, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions or do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Talha Ghannam


Founder: ClassTutor, a premium, affordable, online tuition platform.

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Maximising Online Learning with ClassTutor

Maximising Online Learning with ClassTutor

Welcome to the world of online classes, where learning can be just as enjoyable and productive as traditional classes with the right preparation.

At ClassTutor, we understand the importance of being prepared for online classes and have put together some tips to help you achieve academic success.

These tips include creating a comfortable and conducive learning environment, setting goals and objectives for online tutoring sessions, preparing questions in advance, and making the most of your time by familiarising yourself with study guides and resources.

Additionally, we emphasise the importance of setting up a designated study area and having all the necessary tools ready before class begins.

Our tutors are trained professionals who are committed to helping you succeed in any subject area, so don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Let’s work together to make your online learning experience a success!

Being prepared for online classes is just as important as being prepared for face-to-face classes.

At ClassTutor, we understand the importance of being prepared for online classes. That’s why we’ve put together some tips to help you make the most of your time and achieve academic success.

The Importance of Preparation for Successful Online Tutoring Sessions

Creating a comfortable and conducive learning environment, making sure you have all the necessary materials, and ensuring that you have a stable internet connection are all important factors when it comes to online tutoring sessions. By being prepared, you can maximize your learning potential and make the most of your time.

Engaging with the Material: Techniques for PreparingYour Mindset and Building Your Confidence

There are a few things you can do to prepare yourself psychologically for online classes:

  • Set up some goals for yourself. For example, if you’re feeling nervous about a particular area in Maths, set a goal for how much time and effort you’re going to spend preparing for it this week.
  • Share your goals with family, friends and your tutor. We are all here to help you succeed!
  • Take notes during your class.
  • Participate in group discussions.
  • Practice problem-solving.

Setting Goals and Objectives for Online Tutoring Sessions

As we’ve just mentioned, goals are a great driver for you (or your child).

Before you start an online tutoring session, it’s important to set goals and objectives for the session. These will help you stay focused on what needs to be accomplished during our time together.

The goals for a particular tutoring session should be challenging but achievable, you don’t want them to feel overwhelming or out of reach!

The Benefits of Preparing Questions in Advance for Online Tutoring

There can be many benefits to preparing questions you may want to have answered in your online classes. Some of these are:

  • Clarifying something in a previous session that you wanted to revisit.
  • Focusing on the most important information in the lesson or book chapter.
  • Identifying gaps in knowledge that need attention from tutors or additional reading.
  • Setting goals for yourself (for example, “I want my tutor’s feedback on this topic before next week”).

Making the Most of Your Time

If you’re taking an online class, you have access to a wealth of resources at your fingertips.

You’ll also want to familiarise yourself with any study guides provided by your tutors. These can be helpful when preparing for quizzes and tests because they offer tips on how best to approach questions as well as sample answers so that students know what type of responses are expected from them when it comes time for evaluations.

Setting up Your Learning Space: Creating an Environment Conducive to Learning

We have spoken about this before in our past articles, all available on the tab ‘Tips and Insights’ on our homepage.

When you’re learning online, it’s important to create an environment conducive to learning. Here are some tips:

  • Make sure your space is quiet and comfortable. You’ll want to make sure that no distractions are present in the room where you are studying, so turn off any music or television shows if they might be distracting. If possible, try setting up a designated study area with chairs or desks where only one person can sit at a time, this way if someone comes into the room while another person is working on their laptop, they won’t accidentally interrupt them by sitting down next to them (or worse yet behind them).
  • Have all of your tools ready before beginning class so that when it starts there aren’t any delays getting started with work assignments. This includes having markers/pencils/pens available along with paper clips etc. as well as having internet access set up so there aren’t any connectivity issues later on during class time when everyone else needs access too!

Online tutoring is a great way to get help with your schoolwork if you’re struggling in any subject area or just want to increase your knowledge.

Our Tutors are trained professionals who have been tested on their knowledge and experience in their fields, so they know exactly what they’re doing when helping students like yourself (or your child)!

Did you know that you can try booking a free tutoring lesson through our website? We offer one free session, per student, per subject! So why not make the most and try out where we can be offering your child extra support?

If you have any questions regarding our services, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions or do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Talha Ghannam

Founding Partner

Founder: ClassTutor, a premium, affordable, online tuition platform.

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The Benefits of Group Learning

The Benefits of Group Learning

At ClassTutor, we understand that online group sessions can be an effective way for students to learn, and studies have shown that group learning can have a significant positive impact on academic performance.

Group tutoring provides a cost-effective alternative to expensive one-on-one provision, and it is more effective than individual tuition according to research on social learning theory conducted by Vygotsky in the 1970s. Mixed-ability groups can also be advantageous.

The Benefits of Online Group Learning

We are proud to offer group sessions to our students because we believe that learning with peers can enhance the educational experience.

When you have more people in the group, the conversation flows more naturally, and students tend to feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions.

It can also be an excellent opportunity for students to learn from each other and benefit from a diversity of perspectives.

A Comfortable Learning Environment for Students

Another significant benefit of group sessions is that they are more affordable, which means parents can get more value for their money by booking more sessions or signing up for multiple subjects.

We understand the importance of making education accessible, which is why we offer a free trial session for each subject, so parents and students can see if group sessions are the right fit for them.

Tips for Making the Most of Group Learning

Participating in group learning sessions can be a great way to enhance your educational experience and learn from your peers. Here are a few tips for making the most of your group learning sessions:

  • Come prepared with questions: Before each session, take some time to review the material and write down any questions you have. This will help you stay engaged and make the most of the time you spend with your tutor and classmates.
  • Actively participate in discussions: Share your thoughts and opinions during group discussions. By participating actively, you’ll not only learn from your peers but also help them learn from you.
  • Take notes: Jotting down key points or concepts during the session can help you remember the material later on. It’s also a great way to stay engaged and focused during the session.
  • Listen actively: When others are speaking, be sure to listen actively and show that you’re engaged in the conversation. This will help create a more collaborative and supportive learning environment.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your group learning sessions and get the most value out of your time with ClassTutor.

Affordability: Getting More Value for Your Money

Our tutors are highly qualified and experienced, and they love teaching in groups. They are committed to delivering a high-quality education experience, no matter the class size or subject.

High-Quality Tutors for Every Subject and Class Size

Learning in groups can also help students build confidence and social skills, which are valuable assets in both academic and personal settings.

Building Confidence and Social Skills through Group Learning

At ClassTutor, we firmly believe in the power of group learning to help students thrive academically and socially. Our group tutoring sessions provide a supportive environment where students can learn from each other and build important skills like collaboration and communication.

While some students may initially feel unsure about participating in a group, we have found that with the right guidance and support, they often discover newfound confidence and enthusiasm for their studies.

We understand that individual attention is important, which is why we offer private chat sessions with tutors to address any specific concerns or questions that students may have. This way, students can still receive personalised support while benefiting from the unique advantages of group learning.

The Importance of Asking Questions in Group Learning

Lastly, we understand that students may be at different stages of their learning journey, which is why we have the flexibility to adjust class sizes to accommodate different needs.

This means that students who need extra support can join alternative classes to catch up on a subject, while those who are more advanced can join more challenging classes to progress further.

In summary, group learning is an effective way to enhance the educational experience, and we believe that our online group sessions provide a positive and engaging learning environment for all students.

By taking advantage of these benefits and engaging fully in the sessions, students can make the most of their learning experience and achieve their academic goals.

Help your child reach their full potential with ClassTutor’s expert online tutoring. Visit our website today to learn more and schedule a free session for your child.

Talha Ghannam

Founding Partner

Founder: ClassTutor, a premium, affordable, online tuition platform.

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Get Ahead of the Studying Game

Get Ahead of the Studying Game

As a parent, you want your child to succeed in school and in life.

With so much information out there about how to help your child get ahead, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

In this post, we’ll share some practical tips and strategies for parents who want to give their children the best chance of success in their studies.

From early learning to online tutoring and educational toys, these ideas will help you support your child’s growth and development in and out of the classroom.

Start them off early

The earlier you start your child off on the right track, the better.

Your child will have an advantage over their peers who didn’t start learning until later and are slower to catch up with their studies.

Find activities that interest them (e.g. reading books about dinosaurs) and show them how those things work in real life (i.e. visiting museums). This will help get them excited about learning new things!

Teach your child to do online research

It’s a good idea to teach your child how to use the internet as a resource for finding answers.

The first thing you should do is make sure that your child knows how search engines work. They should know that typing something into Google or another search engine will return results from all over the web, not just from one site or source.

This means that if you’re looking for information on an animal like an elephant, it could be helpful if your child knows where else they can look besides Wikipedia (which isn’t always accurate).

Get hands-on experience

One of the best ways to help your child learn is by actively engaging them in the learning process. This can be done by taking them on days out that allow them to experience new things and learn through their senses.

For example, if you’re teaching your child about animals and nature, take him/her on a trip to a farm or zoo where they can see how things work first-hand; this way they will be able to understand how different animals behave in their natural habitats as well as what makes each animal unique from another species.

Another great way for parents who want their children to succeed at school is by taking them out of their comfort zones regularly so that they become more open-minded towards new experiences which could lead to developing an interest in something specific later down the road (e.g. science fair project).

Invest in Online Tutoring

One of the most effective ways to help your children succeed in their studies is through online tutoring. Online tutoring allows students to get personalised time with a tutor who can guide them through difficult concepts or offer advice on how best to approach an assignment.

Online tutoring can be completed from anywhere and at any time, which makes it a great option for students who are working hard at school but still need some guidance when it comes to getting ahead.

Online tutoring will allow your child to get ahead of their peers in terms of understanding concepts, which will make it easier for them to do well on tests and assignments. And if they do well on tests and assignments, they will feel more confident about themselves and their abilities, which will only make them want to work harder!

With online tutoring services like ClassTutor, your child will be able to take advantage of all the benefits that come along with having personalised attention from professional tutors.

Plan activities that support their learning

The first step in helping your child succeed in school is to plan activities that support their learning. This includes having a plan for each week, day and hour. Here are some ideas:

  • Reading: Reading is an excellent way to support a child’s learning, as it helps to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.
  • Creative play: Creative play activities, such as drawing, painting, building with blocks, and playing with clay, can help children to develop their imagination, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
  • Physical activities: Physical activities, such as sports, dancing, and yoga, can help children to develop their gross and fine motor skills, coordination, and balance.
  • Music: Listening to music, singing, and playing musical instruments can help children to develop their language skills, memory, and creativity.
  • Science experiments: Science experiments, such as making a volcano, can help children to develop their scientific thinking skills and curiosity about the world around them.
  • Social activities: Social activities, such as playing with other children, can help children to develop their social and emotional skills, such as empathy, cooperation, and communication.
  • Cooking: Cooking with children can help them to develop their math skills, as well as their understanding of nutrition and healthy eating habits.

Emphasize the importance of curiosity

In addition to supporting academic success, parents should also encourage their children’s natural curiosity and love of learning.

Encourage your child to ask questions, explore new topics, and pursue their interests both inside and outside of school.

Invest in educational toys and games

You can buy educational toys and games online or in person. You can also find them at your local library, toy store, or even a charity shop.

Educational toys and games are a great way to keep children engaged while they learn about the world around them.

You can use them as an extension of your child’s education by giving them assignments related to what they’re learning about at school (for example, if your child is studying space exploration then you could give him/her an assignment where he/she has to build his/her own rocket). This will help reinforce what he/she has learned during class time!

Alternatively, if you’re looking for something more fun than just sitting down at home doing homework all day long then try playing some board games together instead! Board games are a great way for families who don’t know each other very well yet, or even those who do, to bond over common interests like science fiction movies from decades past.

Stay involved in your child’s education

Stay informed about your child’s progress in school and communicate regularly with their teachers. Attend parent-teacher events, ask about homework assignments and upcoming projects, and show an interest in your child’s schoolwork.

Your involvement can make a big difference in your child’s motivation and success.

Create a positive learning environment

Make sure your home is a positive and supportive environment for learning. Provide a quiet and comfortable space for your child to do homework and study, and limit distractions such as television and video games.

Celebrate your child’s accomplishments and encourage them to keep working towards their goals.

In conclusion, parents play a crucial role in their child’s academic success.

By implementing practical tips such as starting early, encouraging curiosity, getting hands-on experiences, investing in online tutoring, planning activities that support learning, and investing in educational toys and games, parents can help their children achieve academic success.

Furthermore, parents should stay involved in their child’s education and progress in school by communicating with teachers and actively engaging in their child’s learning.

With these tips and strategies, parents can help their children achieve their full potential and become lifelong learners.

Help your child reach their full potential with ClassTutor’s expert online tutoring. Visit our website today to learn more and schedule a free session for your child.

Talha Ghannam

Founding Partner

Founder: ClassTutor, a premium, affordable, online tuition platform.

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4 More Tips for Effective Studying

4 More Tips for Effective Studying

If you haven’t read our first article, 4 Helpful Tips for Effective Studying please do so to get the most out of your (or your child’s) studying.

Following our last article, here are four more helpful tips to make sure you’re ready and prepared for the study season ahead.

Manage your block time

Block time is just that: a chunk of time that you set aside for studying. It’s an effective way to study because it gives you an uninterrupted opportunity to focus on the task at hand, and can help prevent procrastination or distractions from creeping in during other parts of your day.

While block scheduling may not be right for everyone, there are still some simple ways to make sure your block schedule works well for your needs (and isn’t too overwhelming).

First, try setting aside 30 minutes at night before bed as a dedicated study session, this will help ensure that those last few hours before bed aren’t wasted thinking about work instead of sleeping!

Then, plan out how much studying needs to happen during each day: if there’s something important coming up like finals week or an exam coming up soon enough where it would be worth spending extra time preparing now rather than later.

Have a consistent schedule

Have a consistent place and time to study. This is important because it will help you focus, especially when you need to concentrate for long periods of time.

Make sure to have an idea of how long you will be studying each day so that other activities can be planned around this time frame.

For example, if I know I’m going to study for two hours in the morning and then go play tennis later in the afternoon, then I’ll make sure not to schedule anything else during those times, or at least make sure they’re flexible enough so that if something comes up unexpectedly or last minute, they don’t interfere with my plans!

Set specific study goals

Setting specific goals is one of the most effective ways to ensure that you’re studying effectively.

You should set goals for the number of hours you will study each week, as well as how many questions you will answer per day. You may also want to set a goal for how many topics or days’ worth of information you will cover each week.

Set a weekly goal for how many hours/questions/topics/days (pick one) you want to cover to stay on track with your studies.

Test practice questions

Test practice questions are a great way to assess your understanding of the material.

You can test yourself by creating a practice test and seeing how well you do on it, then use those results to help focus on areas where improvement is needed.

Important Tip – Write questions, rather than notes. It’s a really good way to help you remember what you have just learned and be able to test yourself later on.

It’s also helpful to do a practice test at the end of each chapter, as this allows for immediate feedback about what areas still need work before moving on to new material.

Studying is one of the most important things you can do to prepare for your exams, but it can also be one of the most difficult.

The tips we’ve shared here will help make studying more effective and efficient so that you have more time to devote to other activities like practicing test questions or reviewing material with friends.

Talha Ghannam

Founding Partner

Founder: ClassTutor, a premium, affordable, online tuition platform.

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Discover What Type of Learner You Are

What Type of Learner Are You?

Learning styles are a hot topic in education and for good reason.

They can help you learn better, faster, and more efficiently. The trouble is that there’s no one “right” way to learn.

Instead, different ways of learning work well for different people at different times. If you’ve ever wondered about your learning style (or your child’s), keep reading!

What is a Visual Learner?

If you’re a visual learner, you are good at seeing the big picture. You learn best by watching, listening, reading and doing.

Visual learning is one of the most effective ways to learn because it helps you to absorb information and make connections between concepts.

Visual learners need to see things to learn them. They like pictures, diagrams and graphs in books or on slideshows. If this describes you then try using video tutorials instead of written ones when possible (the same goes for auditory learners).

What is an Auditory Learner?

Auditory learners are often good at listening, talking and singing.

They like to repeat things they’ve heard, whether it’s words or sentences. They might learn best by hearing a story read aloud or by listening to music while they do their homework.

Auditory learners also benefit from podcasts that keep them engaged in what they’re learning while providing additional audio information on the topic through interviews with experts in the field.

Auditory learners prefer listening rather than reading material; they are good at remembering what they hear but struggle with written tasks such as essays or reports because they find it hard to put their thoughts down on paper without seeing them first!

Being a Reading & Writing Learner

Reading and writing are both important, but the way they help you learn is different.

Reading helps you understand what you read better.

It gives you context for what’s going on in the story or article; it gives words more meaning when they’re put into sentences (and sometimes even paragraphs).

Writing helps us remember what we write, which means that if we write something down, then later on when we come across that piece of information again, whether in another book or just as part of a conversation with friends, we’ll be able to remember it better than if we hadn’t written anything down at all!

If this sounds like someone close to you then consider giving them audiobooks instead of novels as gifts, it may just open up a whole new world for them!

Kinesthetic learning is best for hands-on activities

Kinesthetic learners also tend to be very active, but that doesn’t mean they can’t sit still! Kinesthetic learners are often drawn to sports and other physical activities, but they also learn well through movement. Some examples include:

  • Playing an instrument
  • Riding a bike
  • Working with your hands (e.g., woodworking)
  • Making crafts projects

    Knowing your learning style is important. It can help you to be more effective at learning, find a job that fits your learning style and even understand your children better.

    We hope that this article has helped you to understand your learning style and how it can be used to improve your study habits.

    If you’re still unsure of which type is right for you, we suggest taking a quiz or even just taking note of what types of activities make studying more enjoyable!

    In a future article, we will be discussing 4 more styles of learning that you may not have heard of before.

    Happy studying!

    Talha Ghannam

    Founding Partner

    Founder: ClassTutor, a premium, affordable, online tuition platform.

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    How To Teach Your Child Critical Thinking Skills

    How To Teach Your Child Critical Thinking Skills


    Critical thinking is the ability to think logically, objectively and analytically.

    It helps us make the best decisions, evaluate situations and solve problems. Critical thinkers are also able to look at different sides of an issue, weigh up the evidence and use logic to reach conclusions.

    If your child has little or no experience with critical thinking skills, you can teach them by using these easy steps:

    Read a different kind of book to your child

    Reading is one of the best ways to help your child develop critical thinking skills. When you read a book together, you are sharing an experience and exposing them to new ideas and perspectives.

    Reading also has many other benefits for children including improving vocabulary and spelling, learning about different cultures, traditions and beliefs from around the world, as well as helping them develop their imagination so they can create their own stories later on in life.

    Encourage your child to give their opinions

    Don’t tell them that there is only one way of looking at something or only one right answer in a situation.

    This can discourage them from looking at things with an open mind, which is needed for critical thinking skills! Instead, ask questions like: “What do you think about this?” or “What are some possible explanations for this?”

    These types of questions will encourage critical thinking without forcing any answers on your child and make them feel trapped into having certain beliefs just because someone else told him so (which happens all too often nowadays).

    Get them to explain things

    Get your child to explain how they solved a problem. This will help them learn how to break down problems into smaller parts and think critically about the steps needed to solve them.

    Ask your child to explain how they built something, like a model or sculpture. It’s important that they understand how things work so that when you ask them why something happened, they can give an answer beyond just “it did.”

    Ask your child why certain mathematical rules are true (e.g. for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction).

    You could also get into more advanced topics like calculus by asking questions like: “If I move at 1 mph for 10 miles then 3 mph for 5 miles, what is my total speed?” If possible, try making up problems yourself and see if your kid can solve them!

    Ask them “why?”

    When you have an opinion on something, it’s easy to get stuck in your own way of thinking. Your child might not know what other people think about the topic or why they feel that way.

    The best way to help them learn critical thinking skills is by asking them questions that require them to explain their opinions.

    Ask them why they believe something and how they came up with this conclusion. Try asking questions like: “Why do you think that?” or “How did you come up with this idea?”

    If they are able to give examples or explain their reasoning then they are probably more open-minded than if they just say something like “because” or “I don’t know”.

    Encourage them to argue both sides (of a case, an issue, etc).

    The ability to argue both sides of an argument is a critical thinking skill that will serve you well throughout life. You may not agree with your child’s position, but it’s important that they know how to defend their own opinions.

    Teach them how to do this by asking them questions about current events or issues in the news and then having them argue for both sides. This can help develop their critical thinking skills and encourage them not just to listen passively but actively engage with what they’re hearing or reading.


    Start teaching your child critical thinking skills today. It will be one of the best gifts you can give them.

    I hope this article has given you some ideas on teaching your child critical thinking skills.

    The most important thing is to be patient and not expect too much from them initially. You can’t expect them to learn everything overnight!

    If you keep trying different methods, then eventually they will start getting it. Once they begin grasping the concept of reasoning out situations logically instead of relying on emotions or instincts alone then they’ll be able to make better decisions throughout their lives, which is something we all wish for our kids right?

    Talha Ghannam

    Founding Partner

    Founder: ClassTutor, a premium, affordable, online tuition platform.

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    4 Helpful Tips for Effective Studying

    4 Helpful Tips for Effective Studying


    We all know that studying is a necessity for passing exams, but it can be difficult to get started. Here are some tips to help you study effectively:

    Making Learning a Necessity

    When you make studying a necessity, it gives you a reason to stick with the study process. Ensure that studying is at the top of your priority list so that it becomes more than just an option and becomes something you must do.

    This sense of urgency will help keep you on track when things get busy or stressful.

    Understanding why we need to study something is important because it makes us want it more, helping us stay motivated throughout the process.

    Study in a Preferred Place

    • Study in a place you like, where you feel comfortable and relaxed.
    • If you are distracted by noise or other people, find a quieter place to study.
    • If you have a special study space, use it.
    • Use earplugs if necessary (though this may be an indication that the environment itself is too distracting).

    Setting Learning Targets

    Setting learning targets is one of the most important steps in planning effective study sessions. To do it right, you need to consider these four elements:

    • Your goal should be specific – “Learn Spanish” is a broad objective that can mean different things to different people. Instead, aim for something like “learn all the numbers in Spanish.” This will help keep your focus on the task at hand and prevent you from getting distracted by other things.
    • It should be realistic – If you’re a beginner with no knowledge of Spanish at all, then an ambitious target like becoming fluent in three months’ time is probably not going to work out so well for you! A more appropriate target may be something more achievable like learning enough conversational phrases within six weeks’ time (which has been proven effective by researchers).
    • It must have measurable components – Both when setting up your plan and when evaluating its effectiveness later on down the road. There should be clear benchmarks against which progress can be determined objectively rather than subjectively based only upon what someone else might think happened during their own experiences prior to or since yours began. For example, you might decide beforehand how many words per day or week would constitute success; then later on during review periods check back against those same numbers

    Create Exam Practice

    The more practice you have, the better you’ll do on the actual test. One way to do this is to create your own exams from multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and essay prompts.

    Ideally, use exams from past years that were given in class as a guide for how long each question should take and what type of material it covers so that your exam reflects real-life testing conditions as closely as possible.

    Flashcards are great for reinforcing information learned in class or reading assignments by having students write down key facts on one side of an index card or piece of paper, then flip them over and see if they can identify these same facts when they read them again on the other side of their cards.

    If you don’t have any physical flashcards handy but want to try using them anyway (they’re not exactly eco-friendly), Google Docs allows users without account access to its database through a web browser, so there’s no need for additional tools!


    These are just a few tips for effective studying.

    Remember that each person has their own learning style, so it’s important to find what works best for you.

    The most important thing is finding what makes studying fun so that you don’t get bored or discouraged by all the work required of you.

    Talha Ghannam

    Founding Partner

    Founder: ClassTutor, a premium, affordable, online tuition platform.

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    How to Support your Children

    How to Support your Children


    As parents, we want to give our children the best possible start in life. We encourage them to pursue their passions and provide them with the tools they need to succeed.

    However, sometimes we forget that our children are more than just a reflection of us, they’re also unique individuals who have strengths, weaknesses and interests of their own.

    So how can we support our children so they feel empowered and confident as they navigate the world

    Talk to your children about the people you see on the news and what’s going on in the world.

    You should talk to your children about what’s going on in the world, including what you see on the news.

    Talk about the things that make you angry, sad or happy and things that make you feel proud. You can also talk about anything that makes you feel scared.

    TV is a great way to start conversations about things they are seeing. If you can link topical subjects to their studies, it will enhance their understanding and relationship to the subject.

    Set up a designated study space and encourage them to tidy it at the end of the day.

    Establishing a designated study space is one of the best things you can do to help your child succeed.

    • If they don’t have one, create one (maybe in the corner of their bedroom or living room). The key here is to make sure it is free of distractions and clutter.
    • Encourage your children to tidy up at the end of each day so they can start fresh every morning—this helps create a sense of calm in their space so they can focus better during schoolwork later on in the day.

    Set up a routine.

    It’s important to set up a routine for your children, particularly when they’re young.

    Routines help children understand what’s expected of them and what they can expect from you and others in their lives. They also provide a sense of security and predictability that many children need.

    For example, if you have an older child who has just started school, it would be helpful to sit down with them before school gets underway and talk about how the morning routine will work out: when homework needs to be done; when breakfast is served; how much time your child should spend on each part of their day (such as getting dressed or brushing teeth).

    This can help make sure that everyone knows where they stand at all times so there are fewer arguments in the morning!

    Be the first to ask for help when you need it so you model for them that asking for help is okay.

    When you are feeling overwhelmed, ask for help.

    Be the first to ask for help when you need it so your children see that asking for help is okay.

    Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your children or other family members, friends, or professionals such as teachers.

    Visit places together which can be educational.

    As a parent, you can support your children by visiting places together which can be educational.

    This will help them to learn about different people and cultures in the world. You could visit museums or places of worship, or other places that are important in history such as battlefields and castles.

    Remind them of all of their natural talents and strengths that set them apart from others.

    Remind them of all of their natural talents and strengths that set them apart from others. Help them to identify what they’re good at, and encourage them to use these skills more often.

    We have so many natural talents and strengths, but we tend to forget about them when we feel like we aren’t good at something or someone else is better than us.

    Help your child learn to embrace who they are as individuals, instead of comparing themselves with others or feeling inferior because they are not “perfect.”

    Allow time for practice tests so they know what to expect and feel more confident when it’s time for the real thing.

    Even though you may be nervous about helping your child through the process, taking a practice test is a great way to learn about yourself and what you need to work on.

    Additionally, many schools recommend that students take multiple practice tests before taking the real deal. This will help them get familiar with what they will see on test day and know what to expect.

    When you support your Children, they will be more likely to believe in themselves.

    When you support your children, they will be more likely to believe in themselves. They’ll be more likely to try new things, which is important for them as they grow up.

    That’s what it’s all about: supporting your children so that they can become confident adults who are ready for the world ahead of them.


    We hope this has helped you to support your children and that they feel more confident.

    Remember, there are so many ways in which you can support them and the most important thing is that you do something!

    Talha Ghannam

    Founding Partner

    Founder: ClassTutor, a premium, affordable, online tuition platform.

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