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Decoding 11+ Results: What Your Child’s Scores Mean and What to Do Next

Receiving 11+ exam results can be an emotional experience for both parents and children. Whether the outcome meets your expectations or not, understanding the scores is the first step in making informed decisions about your child’s academic future. 

This guide will help you interpret the 11+ scores, understand their implications, and determine the next steps.

Understanding 11+ Scores

The 11+ exam results are typically presented as raw scores and standardised scores. It’s important to grasp the difference between these and how they influence your child’s chances of admission to a grammar or selective school.

  • Raw Scores: Raw scores represent the total number of marks your child achieved in each section of the exam (e.g., verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, maths, and English). However, it’s important to note that the difficulty of the questions is also taken into account when calculating these scores. This ensures a fair reflection of your child’s performance across varying levels of difficulty within the exam.
  • Standardised Scores: Since students taking the 11+ exam may have been born in different months but are assessed on the same day, raw scores are converted into standardised scores to account for age differences.

What Your Child’s Scores Mean

  • Grammar School Entry: Each grammar school sets its own pass mark for the 11+ exam, which can vary by school and region. A higher standardised score increases your child’s likelihood of securing a place. Be sure to research the specific admission criteria of your chosen school to see where your child’s score positions them.
  • Selective School Criteria: Some independent selective schools consider 11+ scores alongside other factors such as interviews or additional assessments. Check with the individual school to understand how they weigh 11+ results and any other components of the admissions process.

Next Steps Based on Results

If Your Child Achieved the Desired Results: 

Congratulations! Now, the focus shifts to choosing the right school. Review the offer letters carefully and ensure your child is well-prepared for the transition. This might involve supporting them as they adjust to a new school environment and meet the academic challenges ahead. 

Continued tuition can be crucial in getting them ready for the higher academic standards of grammar schools. We offer tailored high-ability classes in Maths and English, specifically designed for students who have completed the 11+ to help them thrive in their new setting.

If the Results Were Lower Than Expected

Don’t worry. Many children go on to thrive academically regardless of their 11+ results. Consider the following options:

  • Appealing the Decision: If you believe the scores don’t reflect your child’s true abilities, you may be able to appeal.
  • Exploring Other Schools: Look into schools that place less emphasis on the 11+ or have different entry criteria.
  • Tutoring and Retakes: While the 11+ cannot be retaken, it’s worth checking if schools have other admission rounds, such as the 13+ exam. ClassTutor offers tailored tutoring programmes designed to address any learning gaps and help your child gain confidence ahead of future assessments or admissions opportunities.

How ClassTutor Can Help

At ClassTutor, we recognise the significance of the 11+ exam and the impact it can have on your child’s academic journey. Our experienced tutors provide personalised support throughout the year, helping students master key subjects and develop effective exam techniques. 

With ClassTutor, your child will be equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, no matter what path they take.

Whether your child’s 11+ results met expectations or fell short, there are always steps you can take to support their academic progress. At ClassTutor, we’re here to guide you through this journey, offering expert advice, tailored tutoring, and encouragement every step of the way.