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Student Contract

We promise to give you the best learning experience possible with us. However, in our years of tuition, we know that this is a two-way process – from the student and parent as well as the teacher. We have outlined a few agreements we would like you to commit to, along with the commitments we will give.


I agree to:

  • Be polite and kind to all members of the ClassTutor community.
  • Take lessons at a desk with the microphone and camera working and correctly directed.
  • Attend every class on time every week, unless I have a very good reason.
  • Give my 100% focus in every lesson without being distracted by my phone or computer.
  • Give my best for every lesson, homework, and assessment.
  • Submit all homework, assessments, and other work correctly and on time.
  • Respect all other students in the classroom.
  • Keep all information, class links, and resources strictly for personal use.
  • Share regular feedback (including grades) with us from your school to help us track your progress.
  • Communicate with teachers and staff if I am struggling with any topics.


  • I understand that if my child is absent or struggles with any lesson, they will have to catch up and review the lesson via the Student Portal. No refunds will be given for missed lessons.
  • I consent for my child to attend lessons online, displaying their camera and name, and for the recording to be viewed by fellow classmates, and they will remain under our supervision throughout.
  • I agree that I am responsible for the safeguarding of my child whilst they are in the lesson online. I will remain contactable during the lesson should any issue arise.
  • Where possible, I will share feedback from the school to ensure ClassTutor has the latest information regarding progress and feedback.
  • If I wish to cancel tuition, I understand I have to complete the form on ClassTutor’s website This will require me to pay one further month of tuition from the date of cancellation.
  • I understand that I must contact ClassTutor to pause lessons over any holiday/summer periods at least 2 weeks before, otherwise it will be assumed I am continuing. Pausing lessons does not change the notice period. Over the summer, I have the choice to continue lessons in August, or pause until September.
  • I agree that any overpayment or credits will be added as a balance on the account and settled at the end of the year. If I cancel, lesson credits will be redeemed at the end of and separate to the 1-month notice period.
  • I understand and agree for calls from ClassTutor to be recorded for training and monitoring purposes, and for these to be used in the event of disputes.
  • I agree for the monthly fee to be collected automatically each month by ClassTutor through a subscription payment or direct debit. This is taken in advance and is non-refundable, calculated using this formula (4.5 weeks x agreed rate x lessons per week).
  • I will not solicit the services of any tutors outside of the knowledge or agreement of ClassTutor. All communication with tutors and lessons taken should be through ClassTutor.


  • Provide the best learning experience in every lesson.
  • Monitor student punctuality, attendance, and performance, and inform parents of any concerns.
  • Respond to all enquiries within 24 hours where possible.
  • Adapt to any specific needs of the student when issues are communicated.


ClassTutor always has its students at heart, and it never wants money to be a barrier to learning. As such, it has a limited number of scholarships that are available to students through both its own provisions and those of tutors. Details on eligibility can be found on our website for each scholarship fund.

READ Foundation Scholarship

  • The hourly rate will be subsidised for the scholarship.
  • The monthly fee is paid in advance and non-refundable, calculated using this formula (4.5 x agreed rate x number of lessons). Lessons cancelled by ClassTutor will be added as a balance on the account.
  • The scholarship cannot be cancelled once started. If a student is in Y10 or Y11, the scholarship will come to an end after their exams in Y11. If a student is in Y12 or Y13, the scholarship will come to an end after their exams in Y13.

Marketing Preferences

ClassTutor likes to celebrate its students’ success. It’s a great way to motivate children in class, and reward those who have worked hard and succeeded! As part of this, we will occasionally post stories, testimonials, and other content of our students on social media and other channels. Are you happy for your child to feature on these?

As good practice, we will try and share any content with you before posting it online. This agreement serves as a general notice for our record of your decision.